

Skin Cancer Screening

Skin Cancer Screening and Sunsafe Education Onsite

Employees working outdoors require regular skin cancer screening as they  are at risk of developing skin cancer. Outdoor workers are exposed to high levels of ultra-violet rays (UV) throughout the day. Our doctors provide onsite skin cancer screening and skin cancer education programs to help manage the health risk to employees working outdoors. 

Ask us about skin cancer screening and education programs today.

Types of Skin Cancer

Cancer can develop in the cells of the skin. Skin cancers are named after the type of cell they start from. Basal cell cancer and squamous cell cancer are the two most common types of skin cancer. They are sometimes called non-melanoma skin cancer because they don’t develop from melanocytic cells. The third type of skin cancer is melanoma, which begins in the melanocytes. Other spots that aren’t skin cancer can also appear.

Basal cell cancer (BCC)

  • 70-85% of all skin cancers
  • most common in people aged over 40
  • slow growing
  • red, pale or pearly in colour
  • usually appear on the head, neck and upper body
  • can grow deeper into the skin

Squamous cell cancer (SCC)

  • 15-20% of all skin cancers
  • most common in people aged over 50
  • faster growing
  • thickened red, scaly spot
  • usually appear on the head, neck, hands and forearms
  • can spread to other parts of the body


  • 5% of skin cancer cases
  • the most serious but can be treated successfully when diagnosed early
  • new spot, or existing freckle or mole may change in size, shape or colour
  • irregular edge or surface, blotchy with brown, black, blue, red, white or light grey colour. May itch or bleed

Solar keratoses (sun spots)

  • usually occur in people over 40 years of age
  • appear on areas of skin exposed to the sun, such as the head, neck, arms and legs
  • flattish, red scaly patches which may sting if scratched

Dysplastic naevi

  • flat, fairly large moles
  • have an irregular shape and an uneven colour

Our Process.

Our doctors and melanographers take the employees’ history and conduct a thorough 20 minute body skin check to identify suspicious moles, skin lesions or spots. Screenings are performed using a dermatoscope to ensure early detection of melanomas and skin cancers.Where needed employees are referred to their GP or a specialist for further assessment and management. Our doctor discusses sun safe strategies with employees.

Safeguard your employees health.

What are the benefits?

Onsite skin cancer screening

Our doctors are using the latest technology in dermoscopy. Using the latest screening technology and methods resulting in accurate analysis of signs of skin cancer.

Expert medical practicioners

Our practitioners are qualified in skin cancer detection with qualifications from Australia’s leading training institutions.

Comprehensive follow up process

Referral to a GP to further investigate suspicious moles, and spots if needed.

Australia wide

Employees Health conducts onsite skin cancer checks for your employees throughout Australia.

Get in touch with our friendly medical team to discuss your requirements today.