

Galvanising and Electroplating

Welcome to Employees Health Surveillance on-site nationwide for Individuals and Workplaces.

Book in your Hazardous Substance Medicals today by contacting our medical reception nationally on 1300 880 804, simply CLICK HERE to get in touch with our team, or fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page, and we will assist you promptly.

It can also be used by workplaces undertaking:
• anodizing or hot-dip galvanising
• electroless plating
• metal finishing.

Galvanising and electroplating work uses hazardous chemicals according to Schedule 14.

We work in accordance with state legislation

Common hazardous chemicals used in galvanising and electroplating and their related health effects and recommended tests for health monitoring

Health Monitoring

Regulation 368: Health monitoring must be provided for workers where exposure to a hazardous chemical contained within Schedule 14 of the WHS Regulations presents a significant risk to the worker’s health.

Schedule 14 is a list of hazardous chemicals requiring health monitoring and their associated types of health monitoring. These chemicals include chromium, cadmium and arsenic which are commonly encountered during galvanising and electroplating.

Health monitoring must also be provided for workers using hazardous chemicals not listed in Schedule 14 where there is a significant risk to the workers’ health from exposure to the hazardous chemical and there are valid techniques to detect adverse health effects or a
valid biological monitoring procedure is available.

Some examples of common hazardous chemicals used in galvanising and electroplating that may pose a significant risk to workers’ health and types of health monitoring can be found in Table 3. For further information, see the guidance on health monitoring for exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Table of Common hazardous chemicals used in galvanising and electroplating
and their related health effects and recommended tests for health monitoring.

Hazardous Substance

Health Risk

Health Monitoring

Chromium* compounds

Ulceration of nose/skin
Skin sensitisation
Occupational asthma
Occupational cancer

Skin inspection
Respiratory testing
Blood tests


Occupational cancer
Occupational asthma

Skin inspection
Respiratory testing
Blood tests


Burns and Ulceration
Eye/nose/throat irritation

Skin inspection
General health check


Eye/skin irritation
Occupational cancer

Skin inspection
General health check

Cyanide solutions/sludge


Skin inspection
General health check

Cadmium* containing

Respiratory effects
Anaemia/Liver dysfunction

Respiratory testing
Blood tests

Cadmium* oxide

Occupational cancer

Blood tests
Respiratory testing

Platinum salts

Occupational asthma

Respiratory testing

Oxides of nitrogen

Respiratory effects

Respiratory testing

Copper compounds

Eye/skin irritation
Gastrointestinal effects

Skin inspection
General health check
Blood tests


Haemolytic action on blood

Peripheral nervous system testing
Skin inspection
Urinary inorganic arsenic

 * Schedule 14 hazardous chemicals

Hazardous Substance Health Monitoring

Health monitoring, also known as health surveillance, is a crucial practice aimed at ensuring the well-being of workers exposed to hazardous chemicals, metal fumes, silica, or asbestos in their workplace environment. This proactive approach involves the continuous monitoring of workers’ health status by experienced doctors to detect any changes or adverse effects resulting from occupational exposure.


Why is Health Monitoring Important?

Exposure to hazardous substances poses significant risks to workers’ health, including respiratory issues, cancer, and long-term health complications on body organs. Health monitoring allows early detection of any health effects associated with exposure, enabling timely intervention and the implementation of necessary control measures to mitigate risks.


Our Specialist Team is Here to Help

If you have concerns or questions about workplace exposure to hazardous substances, our Specialist Services Team at Employees Health is here to assist you. Our team of experts is available to discuss your concerns and provide guidance on health monitoring protocols tailored to your specific workplace environment.

Considerations for Choosing the Best Monitoring Methods

Our experienced health monitoring doctors carefully assess several factors to determine the most suitable monitoring approach for your workers:

  1. Regulatory Requirements: We adhere to the regulatory requirements outlined under the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and guidelines.
  2. Chemical Type and Exposure: The type of chemical involved and the manner in which your workers are exposed play a crucial role in selecting monitoring methods tailored to specific hazards.
  3. Level of Exposure: We assess the level of exposure your workers face to determine the frequency and intensity of monitoring required to safeguard their health effectively.
  4. Control Measures and Equipment: The effectiveness of control methods and equipment implemented in your work environment to reduce exposure influences our monitoring strategies.
  5. Proactive Monitoring: We prioritize proactive health monitoring methods, which involve monitoring your workers before symptoms develop. This approach, such as checking chemical levels in blood or urine, allows for early detection and intervention, minimizing health risks.

Contact Us for Assistance

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our Specialist Services Team if you need assistance or guidance regarding workplace exposure. We’re committed to ensuring the health and safety of your workforce and are here to support you every step of the way.

Your workers’ health and well-being are our top priority.