Executive Health Medical Specialist

Our Comprehensive In-Depth Executive Health Program

Discover the forefront of executive medicine with Employees Health at dedicated clinics and on site nationwide.

With over 25 years of expertise, we specialise in optimising employee health and longevity. Our comprehensive services, offered through clinics and on-site facilities, cater to diverse industries.

Led by Dr. Mike Shenouda and his team of seasoned doctors, we customise national strategic action plans for each organisation. Dr. Shenouda, appointed Chief Medical Officer for several national blue-chip companies, oversees executive care with utmost responsibility.

Our approach integrates the latest technology to develop Personalised Medical Action Plans, ensuring a healthier workforce. From cardiovascular screenings, including CT Coronary Angiography, to cancer marker tests targeting biomarkers associated with bowel, ovarian, and prostate cancer, our services save lives by detecting early signs of illness effectively. Trust us to deliver evidence-based, cost-effective, and patient-centered actions to promote employee well-being and longevity.

Services We Provide

Cancer Screening

Our cancer screening program targets the ‘Big 6,’ the leading causes of cancer-related deaths: lung, bowel, prostate, breast, lymphoma, and melanoma, adhering to evidence-based protocols.

The screening encompasses a range of tests tailored to gender and specific cancer risks.

Cardiac Risk Assessment

Cardiac CT angiography (CCTA) emerges as a gold standard method for anatomical evaluation of the heart.

In today’s era of advanced digital bioimaging, identifying pathological changes is vital for comprehensive cardiac care.

Modern CT scanners offer remarkable structural clarity, enabling virtual measurements of anatomical structures with sub-millimetric precision. This capability is particularly valuable for tracking the coronary arteries condition and evolution of cardiac pathologies.

Regenerative Medicine

1. Innovative Laser and PRP* treatment (Non-invasive using state of the art technology) to treat:
– Snoring Laser Treatment
– Sexual Health
– Incontinence

2. Bone density test

Lifestyle Therapy (IV Vitamin Therapy)

Our team will provide our clients the IV drip therapy at your premise or at our national clinics.
IV vitamin therapy promises may improve health through an infusion of various vitamins and minerals. The treatment, which has gained popularity over the past few years for gut health, healthier skin and boosting energy and immune system.

Specialist Management

Our multidisciplinary team offers specialist investigations and ongoing management, providing executives with comprehensive support and expertise every step of the way, fostering confidence and trust in their health journey.


Our services are available on-site nationwide or at our CBD Mediclinics, ensuring executives can prioritise their health without disruption to their demanding schedules, promoting accessibility and engagement.

Corporate and Executive Medical Programs

Classic Premium Comprehensive Executive
Medical and Lifestyle Assessment
Company Specific Webform (password protected)

Cardiovascular System
Blood pressure, heart rate

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment (over 45 years old)

Cardiovascular Risk Score

CT Coronary Angiogram

Cancer Markers (Ovarian, Colorectal, Prostate, Breast, Liver, Gastric, Testicular, Proliferative Blood and Lymphatic Cancer)

Lifestyle Risk Assessment

Smoking, Alcohol, Physical Activity and Nutrition, Sleep
Hip/Waist Ratio

Women’s Health

Breast Cancer, Mammogram and Cervical Screening
Test Discussion

Breast Cancer Examination

Men’s Health
Breast and testicular cancer discussion

Breast and testicular cancer examination, assessment, and awareness

Psychological Assessment


Depression scale assesses dysphoria, hopelessness, devaluation of life, self-deprecation, lack of interest/involvement, anhedonia, and inertia.

Respiratory System

Pathology blood and body organs testing
Blood Sugar Level

Complete blood examinations

Total cholesterol

High density lipoproteins (HDL)

Total cholesterol / HDL Ratio

Faecal Occult Blood Test (over 50 years old)

Urine analysis

Cancer Markers (Ovarian, Colorectal, Prostate, Breast, Liver, Gastric, Testicular, Proliferative Blood and Lymphatic Cancer)

Thyroid Function Test


Lipid Profile (HDL, LDL, VLDL, Triglycrides, Lipoprotein a)

Liver and Kidney Function Test, Gout, Calcium, Magnesium Phosphate

CT Coronary Angiogram

Skin Cancer Check
Full body examination and awareness

Full Body Examination

Lymphatic System


Our Comprehensive Medical Services Suite

Our integrated approach seamlessly combines cutting-edge technology, personalised care, and a wide range of medical specialties to provide a holistic healthcare experience unmatched in the industry.

comprehensive medical services

Benefits for Employers

  • Enhanced Productivity and Performance: Executives are pivotal to driving success. By investing in their health and well-being, employers unlock higher levels of productivity, innovation, and performance, driving greater business success and competitiveness.

  • Reduced Operational Costs: Executive health programs mitigate the financial impact of absenteeism, presenteeism, and healthcare-related expenses, optimising resource allocation and minimising disruptions to operations, resulting in significant cost savings over time.

  • Elevated Corporate Image and Reputation: Prioritising executive health enhances brand perception among stakeholders, investors, and the wider community, bolstering reputation and trust.

  • Attraction and Retention of Top Talent: Comprehensive health and wellness programs differentiate your organisation as employers of choice, attracting top-tier talent and fostering long-term loyalty and retention, ensuring a competitive edge in talent acquisition and retention efforts.

  • Risk Mitigation and Compliance: Major organisations face complex legal and regulatory obligations regarding workplace health and safety. Robust executive health initiatives mitigate legal risks, ensure compliance, and safeguard against liabilities, promoting a culture of responsibility and duty of care.

  • Strategic Alignment with Business Objectives: Executive health is integral to achieving strategic business objectives. By aligning health initiatives with organisational goals, your companie drive sustainable growth, innovation, and long-term success, maximising shareholder value and market leadership.

  • Investment in Future Sustainability: Investing in the health and well-being of your executive talent secures future sustainability and resilience. Nurturing a culture of health-conscious leadership drives organisational longevity and prosperity in a dynamic business landscape.